
About Us


Shri. M. U. Mandlecha along with his colleagues Shri. B. G. Karekar and Shri K. Y. Pandit from Chembur High School brought together Shri. Srinivas Khale, Shri. S. W Kulkarni, Shri S. V. Achrekar and Shri C. M. Pradhan and formed ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS AND CRAFTS – TRUST on 09/10/1963. This Trust was formed to impart Education to the needy students.
During those days O L P S School and St. Anthony School were the two leading English Medium Schools in Chembur. Seeing the need of English Medium School for Lower class and Middle Class families the Trustees decided to start an English Medium School.
To start any Educational Institution there are two basic needs was i.e. place and fund. For place Shri M. U. Mandlecha and Shri B. G. Karekar requested Shri Krishnarao V Purao son of Shri V N Purao to lease his piece of land in Subhash Nagar to the trust for starting the Educational Institution. Shri Krishnarao willingly did so. The need of fund was solved by Shri M. U. Mandlecha, Shri B. G. Karekar and Shri K. Y Pandit by contributing their salary of Chembur High School into the Trust funds.
With a very humble thought on 13 June 1964 in two small rooms AFAC English School started its two class’s one of KG and other of fifth with 51 students in all. In the very next academic year the rush of admission was so great that Shri M. U. Mandlecha had to start 2 divisions in Class I and V. The total strength from 51 went to 165.
Seeing this progress, support of parents and Chemburities, Shri M. U. Mandlecha along with Shri B. G. Karekar and Shri K. Y. Pandit decided to build a multi storey building for the school. Shri Krishnarao Purao was a valuable help for extending the lease and to provide more land. Shri M. U. Mandlecha approached the State Government for getting the land adjacent to Mr. Purao’s Land. This land was allocated for School Purpose. With the help of one parent Shri M. M. Thomare the required Land was made available conditionally. The condition laid by the Government was to build the building in 2 years time. The Government officers were so kind enough to offer Salary and Non Salary Grant to the school if it starts one division of Marathi Medium. Shri M. U. Mandlecha immediately agreed to the conditions laid by the Government as well as to start one division of Marathi Medium.
The land and grant was cleared by the State Government of Maharashtra but now a big question in front of the AFAC Management was to raise funds to build the building in two years time. For this with the help of Shri Srinivas Khale few stage shows were also organized. During that period One Shri Devicharan Trivedi approached Shri M. U. Mandlecha for admitting his sons in our school. Fortunately Shri Trivedi was a renowned builder those days. Shri Mandlecha approached to Shri Trivedi and requested him to help for constructing the school building. Shri Trivedi was a valuable help in constructing the school building. It is because of his valuable help the construction was done before the conditional time given by the Government. In the same period Shri Trivedi was appointed as President of AFAC Trust.
In the year 1973 due to the efforts of Shri M. U. Mandlecha we received permission to start Junior College in Science and Commerce streams. Immediately in the consecutive years the college started receiving financial aid from the State Government of Maharashtra.
Our school which started with just 51 students has flourished to a big tree having Pre Primary Section, Primary English and Primary Semi – English, Secondary and Junior College Section where about 3500 students of lower middle class and middle class families take Education irrespective of caste and creed. For the over all development of our students we have introduced Yoga, Karate, Mental Physics, Chess, Training of playing Musical Instruments, singing, etc. It is pertinent to note that every year about 35 to 40 students of socially and / or economically backward category are given free education in our Pre – primary section.
At present we have following Institutions :

1. AFAC Preprimary School
2. AFAC English School – Primary English
3. AFAC English School – Primary Marathi
4. AFAC English School – Secondary
5. AFAC Junior College

We are proud to say that the year 2014 – 2015 is the Golden Jubilee year of our Educational Institution. And in this past 50 years about 10000 students have passed out from our institution now serving the mankind in all the means across the globe. Our institution has given number of Doctors, Engineers, Chartered Accountants, Defense Personals, Business Tycoons, etc to the Nation.
In each and every development of the school there was one man playing a leading role yes he was Shri M. U. Mandlecha. But on 20/11/1980 he passed away due to Heart Attack. As a token of Gratitude The Mumbai Mahanagar Palika has named the road starting from our School to Subhash Nagar in his memory. Respected Municipal Councilor Sau Jyoti Deepak Shisode, Shri Deepak Shisode and our Kho Kho Coach Shri Rajan Pradhan were the two persons for getting all the work done from BMC.
The one name worth mentioning is Late Justice M. L. Dudhat, who was a guide, philosopher and a mentor to one and all associated with the Institution.
The other name is Mrs. Lakshmi Vaidyanathan who served the institution, in the post of the Head Mistress and later as the General Secretary of AFAC Trust for more than a decade.
After the sad demise of Shri M. U. Mandlecha, Justice Shri M. L. Dudhat and Shri Devicharan Trivedi along with Shri S. K. Maheshwari and Shri B. G. Karekar, Shri M. M. Thomare were the persons involved in the progress of the School. Mrs. L. Vaidyanathan took over the post of the Head Mistress after the sad demise of Shri M. U. Mandlecha.
After the sad demise of Shri Devicharan Trivedi, Justice Shri M. L. Dudhat was appointed as the President of AFAC Trust. At Present Shri S. K. Maheshwari is the President of AFAC Trust.
To be in tune with today and tomorrow we have to always be with the technology. Considering this and a part of celebrating our Golden Jubilee year we have introducing our own website to the mankind.